Instagram Trends 2016: Grey Lips
Instagram is full of ideas on effective make-ups, simple nourishing tricks and surprising stylisations. More and more often, instead of make-up artists and designers, its social media that creates trends for upcoming seasons. For few weeks now #greylips are a thing on the Instagram and grey lips are expected to be the top trend of this spring.
Last spring, Instagram made popular grey hair, which we could find under #grannyhair. Many women went absolutely insane because of this trend and made extreme change in their hair style. It turned out that there is truly a lot of shades of grey, and grey hair does not have to make you look like your granny. This year, grey colour changes a bit its use and enters everyday make-up. Will #greylips steal hearts of women around the world?
Grey lipsticks hit Instagram and at the same time caught up on times, when no one would even think of wearing grey colour on lips. Some of more courageous women tested many unusual colours – starting from neon, through violet and blue to even black – but grey lipstick is a total novelty in make-up world. It already causes some controversy, because some think that #greylips trend is not for everyone and grey lips look deathly pale.
Will grey lipstick replace delicate pink lips, neutral nude make-up or classical red in the upcoming season? Instagram went insane over grey lips, and hour by hour there are more photos with #greylips of women who test this trend. Top bloggers and vloggers present make-up in shades of grey and we have to admit that it looks effective. However, grey lipstick isn’t for everyone.
This year’s spring trends in make-up are absolute novelties, but we are not certain if they will stick around. Black lipstick from this year’s fashion shows did seem to be liked by women. What will happen with #greylips? Although, women love photos on Instagram, they often say that they would apply grey lipstick only for photos. It is unlikely, that we see grey lips while walking down the street.
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